Starfish Asia


End-of-year exams: Results and Award Ceremonies

Congratulations to all students who completed end-of-year exams over the past month. It’s a delight to see pictures of the award ceremonies taking place across a number of schools where the children are celebrated for their achievements. In particular we think of those in class 9 and 10 who have been sitting their matriculation exams. […]

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Congratulations to all students who completed end-of-year exams over the past month. It’s a delight to see pictures of the award ceremonies taking place across a number of schools where the children are celebrated for their achievements. In particular we think of those in class 9 and 10 who have been sitting their matriculation exams. This is an important step that can determine whether they continue in to higher education. Thank you to all the teachers and project leaders for all your hard work and commitment to these children.

Starfish Asia 1200 627

22 March 2024

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